Artwork, like the gathering of folks in front of the Post
Office, and the steam locomotive, cover the entire broadside of a building.
Smaller ones, like the sepia-toned women, are only several feet square.
Outside of the doctor's office a man comforts a young fellow
with a skinned knee.
Is that George Burns standing in front of the white chapel?
Ralph Waldrop and Billy Love of Columbia, South Carolina
began painting the murals in 1998. Each one is accompanied by a plaque
describing the scene and the characters. Look for the display with a QR code so
you can scan it with a QR reader to take the audio tour.
Stop by the Visitors Center
located at 8 South Valdosta Road, for a map to learn more about the location of
the individual paintings. Lakeland is the county seat of Lanier County in Southeast
Georgia. Set your GPS and c'mon down. This community loves company, and the
outdoor show never closes.