Had our own mini eco-tour right outside the 14th floor window. The day we arrived, I thought it was a powdery smudge on the glass. Over the next few days, it became larger and more defined (about the size of a 50-cent piece).
By the last day, little insects emerged and were clustered around a colony, the size of my fist. By tomorrow, they'll all be gone.
The bus is parked outside the visitors center in the national park. You can see all kinds of critters, bugs and birds up close and personal - no walls, no nets.
Next 2 pictures are views from the living room (Pacific ocean, and dusk descending on the city).
Here in Panama, you'll meet some of the friendliest folks around while enjoying fresh seafood right off the boats.
Thanks to ESPN, I can watch the play-offs while packing.
Adios amigos ... on to Montevideo, UR