Monday, December 21, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 13 (Return to Chicago)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 12 (Memphis to Champaign)
Watch out for low flying rolls! Passing through Sikeston, MO near the intersection of interstate routes 55 and 57, we encountered the original Lambert's Cafe, where the tradition of throwing hot rolls to diners fresh from the oven, has been practiced since 1976.

Friday, December 18, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 11 (New Orleans to Memphis)
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 10 (Marianna to New Orleans)
On Route 10, westbound visitors who stop at the Mississippi information center step into a shimmering holiday wonderland.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 9 (Orlando to Marianna - almost Pensacola)
The turnpike was under road repair, and closed to traffic for a good stretch of the road between Orlando and Ocala, in the central part of the state.
No detour signs were posted, so the unwary visitor had little idea of where they were, or how far the detour would extend. Even the GPS seemed baffled.
Shortly before dusk we saw a glimmer of hope (and the Mr. Auto Insurance display). What should have been a 6 hour drive from Orlando to Pensacola, stretched into 9 hours on the road. By Marianna, in the panhandle, we surrendered to the rain, darkness and road-weariness.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 8 (Venice to Orlando)
Standing knee deep in sun-warmed Gulf waves, a lone fellow culls for shells.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 7 (Venice to Naples and back)
Visitors can walk through his winter retreat and workshop at the Edison Botanic Research Laboratory, located in a quiet residential area of this city. Here you'll see the cot where he took catnaps, a drafting table, scales for measuring, original equipment and apparatus. It feels as though the inventor has just stepped out in the midst of an experiment.
Built in 1927, Edison and a staff of 4 (clerk, chemist, machinist and a glassblower) worked in the lab to develop of source of natural rubber from native plants. It was during WWI that Edison and his partners Ford and Firestone became concerned about the supply of imported rubber.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 6 (Venice)
Stone crabs right from the bay, fresh seasonal fruits or Alaskan salmon are just a sampling of the menu, but the real attraction is its location at the edge of the sugar-sand beach.
From the 2nd floor dining room, visitors can watch the small craft sail the intercoastal waterways, see the birds perching on piers or wait for a gorgeous Gulf sunset.
Temperature is in the mid-70's in central Florida. Sitting here in shirtsleeves and sandals and I'm not even thinking of the 30-degree, freezing rain weather in Chicago. Well, yeah ... I am ... and that makes this place even more enjoyable.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 5 (Tarpon Springs)
At the market sample retsina - the heady bouquet of pine resin jumps up your nose even before you taste the golden wine. Rodites is softer on the tongue.
Halki Market sells olives in bulk at the back of the little grocery with its shelves filled with an array of olive oils and spices.
Next to and adjoining the Hellas Restaurant is the bakery of the name. Shelves are packed with a tempting variety of homemade Greek specialties.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 4 (Valdosta to Largo)
What says "summertime" better than bug splats on the windshield? Driving down US 75 to Clearwater, FL we came across this motorcycle hitching a ride on the back of a motorhome.
A few miles later, this mock jet was posed to take off on the side of the road.
Maybe feeling a little guilty enjoying the sunny, warm 60-degree weather, while the folks back home are freezing in 7-degree F. cold.
The corn nuggets at Sonny's BBQ were marvelous.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 3 (Chattanooga to Valdosta)
Need a deer processed into venison steaks or sausage? You can find a place to have it done in rural Georgia.
A few miles later we saw a Tyson truck loaded with chickens, heading into town. Yes, that Tyson.
It's sunny and in the 60's, and we're headed further South.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Southward-Ho: Day 2 (Effingham to Chattanooga)
On and on through miles of leafless trees and stubbled cornfields. 6 hours drive from Effingham, IL to Chattanooga, TN through sheets of rain that might have been snow if it were just a few degrees colder. Watching the temperature gauge climb 32 ... 34 ... 36 degrees as the miles go by. Slogging past trailer parks, KOA campbrounds, a watertower for the City of Metropolis, IL - the self proclaimed "Hometown of Superman," decorated with his logo.
A yellow truck towing a trailer loaded with dead bucks. Wondering if he's a hunter, or that's roadkill.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Southward-Ho, escaping the Snow: Day 1 (Chicago to Effingham)
The last of the late crops were being harvested from the nearly scoured cornfields.
Five hours from the city to downstate Effingham, driving through small towns, newer suburbs, endless flat acres of farmland.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Houmas House, Darrow, Louisiana

Festivals, weddings and history live at Houmas House in Darrow, Louisiana. Bette Davis slept in an upstairs bedroom while filming “Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte”. Jeff won the Quickfire Challenge during a 2009 taping of “Top Chef”, and a number of TV ads have been made on the lush grounds of this, the largest American sugar plantation of the 19th century.

Phylicia, a tour guide dressed in authentic period costume, rings the garden bell signaling the start of the 23-room Sugar Palace tour. Grab your camera - this is one museum where visitors can linger and take as many pictures as they want.
The three-story Greek Revival mansion is filled with artwork and antiques, each with its own history.

Wander through the foyer with its hand painted murals reflecting a sugar cane motif. Is that Marie Antoinette’s mantle clock in the sitting room? In the game room just off the library, entire fortunes were won or lost on a single game of billiards.
At the foot of a freestanding, three-story helix staircase, a silver fruit server holds an array of apples and pineapples – symbols of opulence and welcome. But, did you know that placing a pineapple at the foot of a houseguest’s bed was a polite way of letting them know it was time to go home?

Centuries old oaks (some over 450 years) dot the grounds, along with the main house and a garconiere (bachelor’s quarters).
Chef Jeremy Langlois serves a delicious lunch at Latil’s Landing Restaurant near the original kitchen, built in the 1770’s.
Located on Louisiana’s River Road at 40136 Highway 942D Darrow, LA, Houmas House is open for tours Mon & Tues 9 – 5, Wed – Sun 9 – 7 (except for Christmas and New Year’s Day). Admission is $20 mansion and gardens tour,
$10 gardens and grounds only.
Visitors aren’t just tourists, they are welcome guests. Stay all day at the plantation, strolling through 38 acres of gardens and ponds, and an extensive gift shop.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Mt. Takasaki National Park, Oita City, Kyushu, Japan

This mountaintop monkey preserve is home to over 1,700 Macaques. Not a zoo, there are no cages or restraining bars. Creatures run freely in their own natural habitat, and visitors can wander through the grounds just inches from the little fellows, clustered in twos and threes.

In its wake, Macaques shove and snatch, shriek and claw. Competition is fierce. The oldest and strongest grab handfuls of potatoes, while juveniles and females fight for the smaller bits. Babies, who suckle for over a year, cling to their mothers’ backs, lest they get trampled in the fray.
Suddenly, its over. One blink and you would have missed it. Before the sprayed pavement dries, monkeys begin to disappear into the forest, treasured spuds in hand
Not found in many guidebooks, Mt. Takasaki National Park lies in the northeastern part of the island of Kyushu, Japan. The park is open from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. Feeding time is at 2:30 pm. Admission is 500 yen (about $5 US) for adults and 250 yen for children. Tel (097-534-6111). To reach the park, cross the walking bridge that connects the island to the town and then board the monorail to the feeding area.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Vermilion Ville, Lafayette, Louisiana
It takes 5 balls of homespun cotton yarn to make a single woven shirt. Armadillo tastes like pork. Older boys would climb a narrow outside staircase to reach attic sleeping quarters in a garconniere.
Visitors can learn this and more at the outdoor museum of Cajun and Creole heritage on the Bayou Vermilion, 2-1/2 hours drive west of New Orleans.
In the village visitors experience Acadiana culture dating from the 1760s. Spend the day wandering through the 18 historic buildings made of colombage (half-timber) and bousillage (mud and Spanish moss) in a park like setting. Once inside, meet costumed craftsmen and musicians.
There’s Daphne - quilter, basket weaver and storyteller. She sits by the open window welcoming guests, giving a glimpse of Cajun life and crafts.

Hungry? Stop in or make a reservation at the Creole restaurant, La Cuisine de Maman (866-99-BAYOU). After lunch you can enjoy a nature walk, or a bateau ride on the Bayou Vermilion.
The French spoken in Louisiana is very old. Acadian refugees brought it to the region from Nova Scotia in the mid-1700’s. Add a sprinkling of words borrowed from Native Americans and Africans, and voila - the Cajun dialect. At various times in the early 20th century, speaking French was forbidden by Louisiana law, and you’ll see the words “I will not speak French in school” written on the blackboard inside the one room schoolhouse.

Today the Cajuns remain bilingual and the culture is thriving. On weekends there’s zydeco music and dancing in Le Jour de Fete.
Vermilion Ville is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 am until 3 pm. Admission is $8 for adults and $5 for students (children under 5 are free) Visit their website at It’s written in English and French.
Ca c’est bon!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Frogmore Plantation, Ferriday, Louisiana

What do a pair of jeans; a dollar bill and a can of Crisco have in common? The answer can be found at the Frogmore Plantation in Louisiana.

The plantation is an inter-active living museum. In the field, you feel connected to history picking your first handful of cotton. It’s surprising to learn how easily the fiber can be plucked from the boll. In a world of processed and packaged goods, it’s amazing to find that right out of a boll the wad of cotton feels – well – just like cotton. While it’s easy to pull fibers from the brown ripened boll, the seeds are buried deep inside. After several minutes of peeling and shredding a single handful of lint from the seed, the dramatic impact of the mechanized gin takes on a whole new meaning.
Even though machines in England first spun cotton in 1730, this 7,000-year-old industry really took off with the invention of the cotton gin (engine) some 63 years later. It could separate seeds from the lint 10 times faster than by hand.

But cotton fabric is only part of the story. Nothing goes to waste. Seeds are crushed and separated into 3 products. Oil is used in shortening, cooking oil and salad dressing. Meal and hulls feed livestock, poultry, fish and fertilizer. Stalks and plant leaves are plowed under to enrich the soil. Each planted acre yields about 1-1/3 bales of cotton. A single 500 # bale of cotton makes 215 jeans, 313,600-dollar bills and buckets of Crisco.
If you visit the ante-bellum treasures of Natchez, Mississippi where the planters built their fabulous mansions, be sure to cross the river into Louisiana. Frogmore is about a half-hour’s drive due west. Visit the actual fields in … the land of cotton, (where) old times there are not forgotten.
Frogmore is open year round although the hours vary by season. Admission starts at $5 for students, up to $12 for adults to take the complete tour of the historic and modern facilities.